建堂認獻 Building Pledge

“耶和華我們的神啊,我們預備這許多材料,要為你的聖名建造殿宇,都是從你而來,都是屬你的。我的神啊,我知道你察驗人心,喜悅正直;我以正直的心樂意獻上這一切物。現在我喜歡見你的民在這裡都樂意奉獻你。” (歷上29:16-17)

神是信實的,使我們已經得到了建築許可。按計劃,建堂的開工日期是2011年第一季度,並預定於2012年底完工。全部建築費用估計為 $3,885,200,其中的80% 須在2012年3月之前支付,餘下的20% 款項須在2012年9月付清。除去教會現有的資金和已收到的建堂認獻(共約 $3,200,000),尚須籌集資金 $685,000。建堂的資金,主要是來自於弟兄姊妹的奉獻。教會不用世俗的方法籌款,也不會大量貸款,造成教會過重的負擔。

若是您心中有感動要對建堂作金錢上的奉獻,請按著心中的感動,在十一奉獻之外,甘心樂意地為建堂認獻。請下載並填寫此認獻單並寄回給我們:If you would like to contribute to the building project financially, please download and fill out the pledge form below and mail it back to us:

Chinese Baptist Church of West Los Angeles
1925 Sawtelle Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025



Your support to the Building Project is deeply appreciated.  Your generous contribution will be acknowledged with a receipt and letter of appreciation upon receipt of your donation. Chinese Baptist Church of West Los Angeles is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. If your donation is in the form of a check (recommended), please write “Building” in the memo section and mail it to the beneficiary address listed below.  For donation by wiring, please contact us for bank details.