
The Road to the New Church Building

A look back of God’s lead of Love and His provisions.  It gives us faith and courage to look past our challenges and look ahead to the great things that God has in store for us.

  1. 神的供應:現在的會堂–  God’s Provision: The Current Building
    1. 聚會的場地,1973年4月 – Meeting at the building: April 1973
    2. 會堂的贈送,1987年9月 – Receiving the building as a gift: September, 1987
  2. 神的供應:聖徒的建造 – God’s Provision:  Building up of the saints
    1. 受浸(起點)– Baptism (The Starting Point)
    2. 崇拜(向上)– Worship (Upward)
    3. 真理(向下)– Teaching  (Downward)
    4. 團契(向內)– Fellowship (Inward)
    5. 宣教(向外)– Evangelism (Outward)
  3. 神的供應:建堂的人員–  Gods’ Provision: Building Project Personnel
    1. 禱告的同工– A team of prayer
    2. 建築的團隊 –  A team of architects
    3. 會員的通過 –  Members’ approval
  4. 神的供應:建築的許可–  God’s Provision: Conditional Use Permit (CUP)
    1. 新堂的設計 –  New building design
    2. 申請建築許可 –  CUP application
    3. 公聽會–  Public Hearing
    4. 修改與等待 –  Revision and Waiting
    5. 獲得建築許可–  CUP approval
  5. 神的供應:建堂的資金 –  God’s Provision: The Building Fund
    1. 豐盛的恩典:歷年來我們支持福音機構,但神給的更多 –  Abundance of grace
    2. 信徒的感動:最近一年半來,弟兄姊妹對建堂的認獻與奉獻 –  Members’ offering
    3. 建堂的需要:估計的建堂費用已有一半以上,尚需的款項 –  Fund still needed
  6. 神的供應:聚會的場地 –  God’s Provision: Temporary meeting place
    1. 是一個教會 –  A church building
    2. 空間夠用 –  Enough room
    3. 上午聚會時間 –  Morning meeting time
    4. 不要求租金 –  No rent required
    5. 及時的預備 –  A timely provision
  7. 神的供應:以信心向前看(我們的眼睛不看風浪,只看主)–  God’s Provision: Looking forward by faith
    1. 以信心祈禱 –  Pray by faith
    2. 以信心奉獻 –  Give by faith
    3. 以信心與神同工 –  Work with God by faith
    4. 以信心看到彼岸 –  Seeing the promised land by faith

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