Praise the Lord, he is faithful! The following is an update from the accounting office after the Church Pledge Day:
認獻總額 Total pledge: $1,512,146
之前的認獻 Old pledge: 484,080
新增的認獻 New pledge: 1,028,066
+ $49,900 (5/5/10 匯款奉獻donation through wire)
新增的認獻、奉獻總額 Total add’l fund $1,077,966
So we’ve added 1 million dollars to the existing fund. That means we have already have 80% of the needed fund, and the building project looks more like a certainty now.
Thank you for your faithful prayers and generous giving. Please continue to pray for the project and experience God in the process. Indeed he is doing great things among us!
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