Building Pledge Day
1. 個人:請你為建堂的需要禱告。
2. 團契:請各團契為建堂代禱。
3. 教會:5/12/10 星期三舉行建堂禱告會,請參加。
4. 見證:若有建堂的見證,請在團契分享,或彼此分享。
5. 認獻:請為自己的認獻禱告。
Praise the Lord for his wonderful blessings, not only we have 7 brothers and sisters getting baptized this coming Sunday, we’ve also received the long-waited CUP building permit. Our church will hold a Building Pledge Day on May 16, 11:00 AM. This is a combined bilingual service. Please prepare for this day by doing the following:
1. Personally pray for the need of the building project.
2. Pray for the building needs in fellowships and worship.
3. The prayer meeting on May 12 is dedicated to the building project, please come.
4. Share with each other testimonies related to the building project.
5. Pray for your personal pledge.
Please pray constantly for the building project in the days leading to the Pledge Sunday.
Download the Pledge Form.
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