洛杉磯西區華語浸信會茲定於今年十月二十三日,禮拜六中午12:00 – 1:30 pm,在本教會以教會聚餐的方式舉行建堂籌備慶祝會。我們邀請以前的會友一起來參加聚餐,並隨後 1:30 – 3:00 PM的感恩分享和認獻。我們誠摯地邀請您一起參與洛杉磯西區華語浸信會建堂的事工,藉此新堂以開展未來的福音事工,傳揚耶穌基督的名,並榮耀在天上的父。
Category Archives: News - Page 2
Praise the Lord, he is faithful! The following is an update from the accounting office after the Church Pledge Day:
認獻總額 Total pledge: $1,512,146
之前的認獻 Old pledge: 484,080
新增的認獻 New pledge: 1,028,066
+ $49,900 (5/5/10 匯款奉獻donation through wire)
新增的認獻、奉獻總額 Total add’l fund $1,077,966
So we’ve added 1 million dollars to the existing fund. That means we have already have 80% of the needed fund, and the building project looks more like a certainty now.
Thank you for your faithful prayers and generous giving. Please continue to pray for the project and experience God in the process. Indeed he is doing great things among us!
The Road to the New Church Building
A look back of God’s lead of Love and His provisions. It gives us faith and courage to look past our challenges and look ahead to the great things that God has in store for us.
位於SMC旁邊的Church on Pearl和他們的主任牧師Rev. Jeff McCulty在我們兩次會面後告訴我們說他們願意提供場地給我們用!
It is by God’s grace that we have the church building project to where it is today. It also takes the prayers of the congregation to sustain it. We praise the Lord for His continuing guidance. Let’s all take part with faith. We invite you to join the Church Building Project Prayer Network, and let’s pray together for the completion of the project.
加入建堂計劃代禱網!Join the Church Building Prayer Network!
[easy_sign_up title=”Church Building Prayer Network”]
Building Pledge Day
1. 個人:請你為建堂的需要禱告。
2. 團契:請各團契為建堂代禱。
3. 教會:5/12/10 星期三舉行建堂禱告會,請參加。
4. 見證:若有建堂的見證,請在團契分享,或彼此分享。
5. 認獻:請為自己的認獻禱告。
Praise the Lord for his wonderful blessings, not only we have 7 brothers and sisters getting baptized this coming Sunday, we’ve also received the long-waited CUP building permit. Our church will hold a Building Pledge Day on May 16, 11:00 AM. This is a combined bilingual service. Please prepare for this day by doing the following:
1. Personally pray for the need of the building project.
2. Pray for the building needs in fellowships and worship.
3. The prayer meeting on May 12 is dedicated to the building project, please come.
4. Share with each other testimonies related to the building project.
5. Pray for your personal pledge.
Please pray constantly for the building project in the days leading to the Pledge Sunday.
Download the Pledge Form.